Saturday, June 21, 2008

A week with 120 high school students!

It's now been 6 and a half months (30 weeks) with baby. The three of us just got back from a great week at Lake Champion. I have to say it was one of the most tiring, but also one of the best weeks of my life. We saw so much growth in many different students and a lot of them began a relationship with God. It was great, and baby definitely enjoyed his/her first time at a YL camp. Who wouldn't? Here's a picture of the family:


And here are a few pictures from the week:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Only 12 weeks left!

6 months (28 weeks) down! Only 12 weeks to go! Here are some recent pictures from a wedding we attended. In these pictures Ian thought it would be a good idea to take close up pictures of each other, here are my favorites:

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And here is a picture of me and my friend Theresa (another mommy to be!) along with a picture of the daddies:
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That's right folks, he's going to be a dad.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's not a beer belly...

People are definitely starting to notice that I'm pregnant. Yesterday Amber and I took two walks around the neighborhood. On the first, one of my neighbors asked us how we were doing and then said, "well you three have a nice walk!" and then laughed and said, "you're pregnant right?" I told him yeah then thought about what a risky little question that is! I've been very tempted to tell people I've just been drinking a lot lately. On the second walk we passed another neighbor and he said, "Walking him out?" and then laughed at himself and kept walking. I can only assume he was talking about the baby...

So it's just weird to me that people are noticing now, and commenting on it. I like it because I definitely feel more pregnant, but I didn't realize I was big enough for people to think, 'oh she's definitely pregnant.' Who knew?! I'm also trying to think of some fun come backs to the "are you pregnant?" question from strangers. Anyone have any ideas?