Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Break!

We had a great trip to Gatlinburg over the past few days! Stayed in a sweet house, had good company, and lots of fun! Here are some pics:

I also took a lot of pics at easter, but they were all of Brooklynn (my niece). Here's my favorites:



Thursday, March 20, 2008

Getting Kicked from the Inside

There was a quote in the room Ian and I were in at the doctors office: "Life's hard enough without getting kicked from the inside." I thought that was pretty funny. Speaking of which...I felt the baby kick. I'm not sure if kick is the right word, kind of like a nudge at this point. Baby will get stronger though, we're raising soccer players. Our kids are going to think that's the only sport there is. That, and volleyball. Either will do.

In other news, I found out about a new pain you can have when you're pregnant. It's called round ligament pain. I was reaching up to put something away the other day and felt a sharp pain on my lower right side. I called the doctor and they knew exactly what it was, and it's totally normal and common. Ok, if this is a common thing it should be in books more. I've read 3 books about pregnancy and it wasn't in any of them. They shouldn't call it What to Expect When You're Expecting if they're not going to include the scary sharp pain. I thought i had like ripped my uterus and the baby was just gonna fall out at any minute. Before you judge me, you should talk to someone who's been pregnant about all the paranoid feelings you have. That's all for now...almost 4 months!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Does your baby have gills?

So the other day a friend told me that fetuses have gills. I didn't believe her. I mean I've read books and websites about babies and development and never did I see anything about gills. But when someone says something like that you kinda start to wonder, "Does my baby have gills? Is there a little fish swimming around inside me?" So I looked it up and found an article entitled Mythbuster: Human Fetuses Have Pharyngeal Pouches Not Gills! Here's a little snippet:

"In response to a comment in class today, I just needed to clear this up: human fetuses have pharyngeal or branchial pouches that are sometimes called gill slits. They are transitory structures that eventually become parts of the jaw and the upper respiratory tract and they do not function like gills at all."


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snowy Day!

Here are some pictures from our snowy day yesterday. We went to Harbin to take some pictures, but then realized there's not a whole lot of interesting things to take pictures of when every thing's covered with snow, but we had fun anyways. The shadow in the last picture is me.

Friday, March 7, 2008

I love my doctor!

So we had another doctors appointment today and this was the first time Ian had come with me. I have been bragging about my awesome doctor and today after we left Ian confirmed how great Dr. Bowen is when he said, "Man I would go to him." Everything looks good and the fact that I have migraines and blurred vision is OK! Thanks Doc.

I thought I would post a before/after picture. This one is from 8 weeks:


And this one is from today (almost 15 weeks):


I know you're all excited for that! There's a tiny little bump. Just an FYI, I will never be comfortable showing my bare belly or having people rub it. I think that's weird. And yes I have been asked already. I will not be groped, except by Ian!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

14 weeks and 3 days, but who's counting

So, it seems like I'm going to be pregnant forever. Right now I can't wait to be all big and pregnant looking, but ask me again in 5 months. According to my child is now the size of a lemon. It doesn't really seem like you could squeeze a lemon in there right now. My other organs must be getting a little miffed at being pushed around. Haha, joke's on them, it's gonna get a lot worse.

Also, baby can pee. Last week the babycenter place said that the baby is able to open its mouth and ingest amniotic fluid now. When you combine these facts it's a little disturbing. My baby is a pee drinker. So, Baby is already in the habit of drinking unhealthy things, Ian and I are going to have to discuss what to do about this. I mean do we ground him/her? What do you say, "You're in time out," and baby replies, "OK mom, not really going anywhere for the next six months." Parenting is tough.

-preggo meggo