Sunday, February 17, 2008

12 Weeks and Counting!

Hello friends and family! The first of the Lubbers clan is on it's way. Here are some answers to the most FAQ's.

Are you going to find out what the sex is?

Are you showing yet?
-Very slightly

What are you going to name your kid?
-If it's a boy: Jordan Henry Lubbers
-If it's a girl: Marilyn (Mary) Elizabeth Lubbers

Are you feeling sick?
-Not really, some migraines and a little nausea. Nothing too bad!

I will probably make Ian write something later about why we chose those names because he will make it funnier than I can... So now you know! Here's a picture of the baby, it's about four weeks old so he/she is bigger now (about the size of an apple I'm told), but that's all I got! By the way, the doctor pointed out the yolk sac on the screen and then said, and I quote, "You have a very nice sac!" Even the most mature of you would laugh at that!


Kevin McCune said...

I love you guys sooooo much, this is amazing NEWS!!! You two are going to make such wonderful parents!!! I better be known as unkie Kev. I can't wait to meet Jordan or Marry!

You Lubs are GREAT!!!

Jennifer/Cara/Samantha said...

your sac is pretty nice!

Julie said...

I've never said anything on a blog. Not sure why it's named a blog - such an ugly name really. Oh well. I guess I will learn about 'blogs' as I'm learning about facebook. I wonder if grandma (great-grandma to be) will get on here and 'blog'. Go momma!!
Anyway, I'm very excited about becoming a grandma again!!! Love you both!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! It's official. God Bless all 3 of you through a smooth pregnancy and labor. I can't wait to read the updates. One comment - I hope he/she has mine and Megs looks. We were pretty much identical as babies and are still complimented on how cute we are. No offense Ian - good genes through the Sammons.

Love you both - smooches!

Kait said...

I am soooo happy for you guys!! You both are amazing people, and Kev is right on, you two are going to be wonderful parents! I'm so excited for you!! And if Kev is going to be Unkie Kev I better be Auntie Kait right? Good luck with everything.. I can't wait for September!! I love you guys!! God Bless You..<3

Simon said...

Dude, I can see your baby's rump in that picture! You better cover it up or something, you're gonna get in trouble for putting naked pictures on the internet...

Darren said...

You do know that we don't care if you are getting a belly or how you feel right now Ian? Wow, you are selfish! This really needs to be more about Megan. Were you playing swords with the doctor when he made the sac comment? Wow, I know that was bad, but I'm leaving it.

And Megan don't think you are off the hook either. This is not a good enough excuse to get out of getting dinked on. You can't stop the dink!

Pandemmavid said...

Congratulations! A child is such an amazing blessing. I wish you a fun and healthy pregnancy and a beautiful, smart, healthy baby!