Sunday, January 11, 2015

J update

Maybe someday I wont have to put a little heart over his face anymore...I wish you could all see how excited he is in this picture! He really is the best picture taker of all the kids. You just pull out the camera and he starts to ham it up.

Had some hot chocolate with marshmallows and graham crackers after about an hour in the snow. YOLO right? Of course, it could be YOLOwithdiabetes, but it's tasty:)

We've had J for 6 months now. His case is still up in the air as per usual with foster care until the year mark. He hasn't seen his mom in a month. It doesn't seem to bother him at all since I'm pretty sure he now only associates the words mom and dad with us, but it bothers me. If he goes home or to a relative his trauma will happen all over again! Being taken away from your family once is hard enough, then he adapts to ours only to have it happen again? Anyway, there may be some new family members stepping up to take care of him so we will see how that turns out. He comes from such a broken family, it's hard to see how any of them will be able to take him, but maybe they will and maybe it will be a great place for him!

The other day a friend of ours was over and he made this comment, "J's so different than when you got him. He's......happy." That pretty much sums it up. I'm not going to say life's all roses now because it isn't. He can still be super difficult, but it is fun to see him acting more like a typical child of his age! He gets excited about things now. He's happy a lot of the time. I attribute it to stability.
I see so many studies being done on how harmful all different things are in parenting: co-sleeping, spanking, cry it out, baby wearing, etc. I've literally seen every different type of parenting called harmful. But when you step back from the bickering it's pretty simple: kids need stability. When a kid knows that there is consistency in life and that there are (the same) people who will always be there to pick him up and dust him off, odds are he will turn out to be a fine upstanding citizen even if you (insert controversial parenting topic here). J has been through so much but he is a prime example of the resiliency of children.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Years!

Around 7:30 PM we showed a video from New Years Eve 1984, blew little horns and popped some party poppers, then went to bed:) But the kids had a blast!