Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I have really enjoyed the new curriculum that we have been using with Mary. This weeks theme is apples so we made an apple pie! As I was cutting and peeling the apples I thought, 'man this is so not worth it! There are great pies at Kroger!' I told myself I would never make another one. Then I tasted it...and it was the best apple pie I've ever had! I'm still not sure i would go through the trouble again, but the kids really enjoyed it! And maybe it will help them remember that God wants us to be fruitful just like an apple tree. 
Oh, and this is what happens when you bake a pie after packing half your kitchen. You make a pie in a cake pan.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

17 days!

We are moving in 17 days! And I am eagerly making cute little baskets to put in our new rooms. Yesterday Mary asked when we were moving into our new house and I told her 18 days. Her eyes lit up, she jumped a little and said, "mommy I'm so excited!" It was funny because I'm not sure why she's so excited... Maybe because of the newness? Ian and I haven't been outwardly pumped about it or anything, even though we are ready to move!

Well anyway, it's sooooooon!