Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sick day

So I was up all night vomiting. Still not feeling great. But there is one great thing about being stuck in bed all day: baby hats! And a new scarf for Mary who wants one like mommy's.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Busy Bee

I have been BUSY lately. It turns out being a doula takes a lot of time. I feel like I'm really just getting into the full swing of this business because I've actually been having a full load for me, which means one client a month. That doesn't seem like a ton, but everyday I'm fielding emails (either from clients or potential clients) and lately I've also been spending a lot of time on start up things. Like this website: and trying to get all my interview materials streamlined.

Put that together with the fact that Ian takes the computer to school most days...and that equals not much time to update this blog! I've also been working on our church's Equipegration website which should be published soon! So I'm pumped about that. Anyway, this week I attended the LONGEST birth of my life. She was in labor 3.5 days before it ended in c-section. I can honestly say this mom did everything I can think of to get the baby out. And she was also a huge baby (9#12 and 25 inches). It was a crazy week spent on and off with this mom!

My sister in law also had her babies this week!  The pictures for this post come from the shower we had for her the day before the babies came:

It appears Mary has inherited my facial expressions. And the next couple pics are Krystle opening the handmade gifts my mom and I made for the babies!