I was about to throw in the towel when I talked with a good friend about her cloth diapers and she really loved hers. It didn't seem like hers were a huge burden like mine were. So I got a couple of the kind she has: Flip Diapers, by cotton babies. Man, what a difference! These things are almost as absorbent as disposables. The outer shell is water resistant (unlike my dumb gDiapers) so they rarely ever leak even when the inside diaper is soaked. They are much thicker than a disposable and my g's were, but they still fit under his clothes so it's not a huge deal. Basically I love them and I never wonder if cloth diapering is worth it any more. I can throw everything (covers and diapers) in the wash together and I wash them twice a week. I just throw them in the dryer with other loads of regular laundry so it's not like I'm doing more folding or laundering than normal. It's like a dream. I spent $100 and won't have to buy any more diapers ever. It would have cost more if I didn't keep the g cloth that I have. I did get rid of some but I will still use those ones sometimes. I basically sold all but the cloth inserts of my g's and that paid for my flips.
And with some early potty (or should I say poop) training of Noah I haven't had to dip a diaper in the toilet in 4 days. You really get over the grossness of that quickly, but a lot of time I don't even dip them anyway. I just shake the big clumps off and throw the diaper in the pail.
Just wanted to share. These things are great and totally worth it!