Thursday, December 31, 2009

Best Christmas Gift

This is one of the gifts we gave our parents on Christmas:

All of the parents agreed that this was the best gift we gave them:) That's right, a new Lubbers is on the way. Most of you who read this already know that, but I thought you might like to see the only picture we have of our kid. I'm due mid-July! And again we won't be finding out the sex. Those are our thoughts as of now:) We really don't care if it's a boy or girl so what's the use in finding out?? Although it's so tempting to just find out at the ultrasound...we'll wait!

At my last appointment I found out I was 9 weeks and the baby's heart rate was really strong. I could even see little arms fluttering! I'm 12 weeks along now and have my next doctors appointment next week. There will be more updates as we get them!

Oh and happy new year! I'll say it now as I'll be going to bed at 9:30 tonight as usual. I've tried to become more disciplined about getting up an hour before Mary to read God's word and get focused for the day. It's been hard, but worth it! Unfortunately that also means I need to go to bed early. I need like 9 hours of sleep when I'm pregnant or I'm not a happy camper:)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Here are some pictures from Christmas day. The first one is Mary in her new coat. She seems to be saying, "I didn't do it, and I don't know who did!!!!"

One of the rare pictures of me and Mary:

Mary signing please, because she wants daddy to hold her up to the fan again:

Opening a present with Grandma on Christmas morning:

I just really like both of their faces in this:

Monday, December 28, 2009

christmas eve-eve and christmas eve

On Christmas eve-eve my dad and step-mom came over to visit. Then on Christmas eve we went to visit Ian's parents. Mary had a blast opening gifts and playing with them. I think she has been quite overwhelmed though! I don't think she knows what to do with all these new things and all that attention, but she had fun all the same. Here is the first present she actually helped open:

Waiting for grandpa to open her gift:

Happy girl on Christmas eve:

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas break happenings

With Ian home we have to find something to do to fill our time together! He decided to challenge me to see who could squeeze through the hole in the side of Mary's play set. I fit through on the first try. Here's what happened when Ian tried:

Yep, he's stuck. Mary is trying to pull him out of her toy:

And she is very frustrated when daddy wont get out:

But she decides to continue playing anyway:

And lately Mary has been obsessed with the fan. She wants to touch it so bad! So Ian will hold her up and she just holds on to the pull tab thingy. She will just sit there holding it for 5 minutes or so, until he gets tired of holding her:)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snowy Day

Today we played out in the snow for a little while. It was fun! We tied some grocery bags around Mary's feet because that's what we used to do when I was little. That equals free snow boots my friend!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Senior Pictures

I did senior pictures for the second time last weekend. It was fun! If you know anyone who needs senior pics or wedding photography send them my way!

Here are some pictures of Vivian:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Riding the car

Maybe we should get her something more traditional to ride around on?

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Mary loves to dance. She will point to the cd player and start dancing to signal to us that she'd like us to turn on the music! And yesterday I was listening to this song on youtube and the video has bright lights with it so Mary kept pointing to the computer every time the song would end. She would start dancing even before we turned it on again. Here are two videos of her dancing, they're not super exciting but I thought they were cute:) The first one shows how she dances even before it comes on and the second is just more dancing.