Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The savage needle test

I had another doctors appointment today. Let me tell you if you don't already know how much I hate needles. I'm not sure which I hate more: needles or snakes. Well that's not true, snakes are the spawn of Satan. Well today I had to take a test to tell the doctors whether or not I have gestational diabetes. So I'm pretty sure it's worse than birth. You have to drink this liquid that tastes like Jello before it hardens, except with like a cup more of sugar in it. Then they bring in this needle to gouge a hole in my finger. This is 2008, can't we think of a less savage way to diagnose someone? With that said, I passed it, no diabetes for the Megster.

Everything looks good though. You'll be happy to know that my uterus is measuring perfectly at this point, and that baby's heart beat is strong. 26 weeks down...14 to go.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day!

(24 weeks) That's five months and two weeks! Today was the first time I got to stand up at church when they honor all the moms. It was pretty sweet. My mom didn't know if I should get to stand up because although my child is alive, it's not tax deductible yet. You see where my kid stands with her. Here is a picture of the Lubbers family as of today:


Everything is going well, the baby is kicking a lot. Funny story...we were leaving Cancun (a mexican restaurant) the other day and the cash register guy was like, "You having a boy?" and I told him we didn't know and he said, "No, I know, you having a boy!" (It's funnier when you think of him speaking with a mexican accent) That's all for now!